Sagan um Skarphéðin Dungal sem setti fram nýjar kenningar um eðli alheimsins eftir demóninn Hjörleif Hjartarson og Rán Flygenring hlaut á dögunum sérstaka viðurkenningu dómnefndar Bologna-verðlaunanna. Verðlaunabækurnar verða á sérstakri sýningu á barnabókamessunni í Bologna nú í mars, auk þess verður Skarphéðinn til sölu í ítalskri bókabúð. Angúnstúra gaf bókina út og birti á Facebook síðu sinni frétt af viðurkenningunni. Þar birtist einnig umsögn dómnefndarinnar:
The first thing that strikes you when you encounter this Icelandic book is the graphic art work in fluorescent orange, black and gray: a hypnotic, unmissable invitation to open it. It’s a long philosophical poem that could put off young readers and conform to the common idea of poetry as boring. Quite the opposite, this humorous narrative verse is about a city of flies built on horse dung; The graphic, dynamic interplay of illustrations and text gives the book a rhythm that stimulates the reader to follow the story one page after the other. Read aloud, it will be enjoyed by young children who will also be captivated by the dramatically amusing illustrations. Older children will recognize the links with fables and delight in the parody of people who can’t see further than their noses. Poetry can certainly be fun!
ReykjavíkurAkademían óskar þeim Hjörleifi, Rán og Angústúru innilega til hamingju með viðurkenninguna.