![KristínVals2020_bw Kristín Valsdóttir LHÍ](https://www.akademia.is/wp-content/uploads/KristinVals2020_bw-scaled.jpg)
Kristín Valsdóttir
Kristín Valsdóttir er deildarforseti listkennsludeildar LHÍ og fagstjóri tónmenntakennslu. Hún lauk B.Ed. tónmenntakennarapófi frá Kennaraháskóla Íslands árið 1985, tveggja ára framhaldsnámi í tónlistar- og danskennslu árið 1992 frá Orff Institut, Mozarteum í Salzburg 1992, M.Ed. frá síðar og doktorsprófi frá Háskóla Íslands 2019. Kristín hefur haldið fjölmörg námskeið fyrir kennara og almenning bæði hérlendis og erlendis, gefið út námsefni og haustið 2018 kom út hjá Háskólaútgáfunni bókin Framtíðarmúsik: Rannsóknir og nýjar leiðir í tónlistarmenntun í hennar ritstjórn. Kristín leiddi evrópska samstarfsverkefnið Social Inclusion and Well-being through the Arts and Interdisciplinary Practices (SWAIP) (2018-2020) en afrakstur þeirrar vinnu er ný námslína á meistarastigi við LHÍ. Sérsvið hennar er tónmenntakennsla, listkennaranám, námsmenning og starfsþróun listkennara.
Kristín Valsdóttir is the dean of Department of Arts education and programme director for music teacher education at the Iceland University of the Arts. She completed her B.Ed. degree with emphasis on music in 1985, a two yers diploma in music and dance from Orff Institut, Mozarteum, Salzburg 1992, M.Ed degree in 2006 and PhD in 2019 from Univeristy of Iceland, School of Educatin. Kristín has led many courses for arts teachers and others both in Icealand and around the world, published educational material in music and dance and in autumn 2018 Háskólaútgáfan published the book Framtíðarmúsik: Research and new ways of music education, in her editorial. Kristín led the European Erasmus projects Social Inclusion and Well-being through the Arts and Interdisciplinary Practices (SWAIP) (2018-2020) and the outcome of that project is new study programme on masters level at the IUA. Her research focuses on music education, teacher training for artists, learning culture and professional development for arts-teachers.